So off to school we went today. Cooper was so extremely excited. The first three days one of us goes with her, and we stay for two hours. Then, slowly, they will work into Monday through Friday, 9-4:30 (although I am not sure my little one will be going quite that long, as I don't work like most Italians do). Our plan is to do half days, and maybe only three days a week, we'll see. But today was just hang out, meet the teachers, explore the room, and fill out paperwork (which was tedious as I sat with my dictionary and looked up each word). Cooper did really well, running right in to play, and hugging her teacher when I introduced them. We were a little out of the loop as far as what to bring. They had told me to bring a towel, so I showed up with a big, American sized beach towel. All the Italians had matching hand towel sized towels, that were each embroidered with their child's name. And matching, embroidered bibs for lunch time. I was the only one taking pictures, and Cooper's stuff was labeled Stoda, as I had apparently written her name backwards when I was registering her, so they thought her name was Stoda Cooper (neither are names they've ever heard, so they had no idea). That took me about 10 minutes by itself to get sorted out :). But all in all it went really well, Cooper is excited to take Daddy back tomorrow, and I can't wait for him to get to spend the time with her, and for me to get to spend some good time with my boy. And I think I'm doing pretty good for the first day of my kids growing up and starting their own lives!

1 comment:
Sooo cute! I really like the picture of you and Cooper both facing the camera... her looking all excitement... you looking proud -- and wistful, like you're thrilled with this transition and simultaneously want to freeze time.
It was fun hearing this story first-hand the other day! I trust you had a GREAT birthday!!
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