
A List...

of gratitude:

1. Finding binkies stashed in a trail like breadcrumbs that make me smile and think of Payton when I am picking up the house.

2. A husband whom I trust completely to make a decision about our future, because he continually chooses our family.

3. Online shopping.

4. Parents who let me call them first thing in the morning, while they're still waking up, just to chat their ear off and have some adult conversation.

5. In laws who stay up way too late to see the kids on Skype and be able to talk to them.

6. Friends who don't have kids, but aren't intimidated by the noise and destruction that come along with mine. They still want to hang out, unbelievably.

7. Coffee.

8. Any one of my three kids giggling.

9. Every time my boy uses the potty and I know we've saved another quarter on diapers :).

10. A babysitter whom all five of us adore, and never having to worry when I leave the kids with her.

11. A warm, cozy bed and a good book, and a man who loves me enough to send me upstairs to both while he cleans up and watches the kids.

12. Early mornings (never thought I would say that) sitting in the lamplight with a hot mug, a blanket, and my Bible, snuggled up to the love of my life.

13. Superglue. And scotch tape.

14. Daughters who are thrilled to sit on my lap and look at books.

15. The way little ones' cheeks are so pink and squishy when they wake up from a good nap.

16. Hearing my kids whisper "I love you" to each other, especially when they don't know anyone is listening.

17. Being married to someone with better fashion sense than me.

18. A family who appreciates my cooking, no matter how unsophisticated it can be.

19. A steady, reliable income, and the unbelievable opportunities we have been blessed with because of it.

20. Days spent in pajamas, which happen way more than they should around here...

21. Sunshine. Oh, how I love sunshine.

22. A train set that keep my kids occupied and quiet for astonishing amounts of time.

23. A washer and dryer that I complain about unendingly, but in reality they are saving me from a whole lot of work that I would not enjoy doing.

24. Eating treats after the kids are in bed.

1 comment:

Olson Family said...

Your blessings cause me to smile long.

Such grace!