"Mommy, this is the dragon, and the dragon is mean, and if I get close to the dragon, he will bite my hand, and that would be an owie, and then I would have to go to the doctor's office, and I like the doctor's office, the girl doctor that checks my ears is nice, her is so nice, I like her, where are we going, Mommy? (yes, this is an actual conversation, and I was getting Payton dressed, which Cooper knows means that we are going somewhere) Are you not going to leave without me? What am I wearing? Am I dressed? I dreamed about Poppa. (What??? Where did that come from?)"
Notice that there are no breaks in there for anyone else to insert anything, even after a question is asked. Sometimes I marvel at Cooper's ability to talk nonstop without having to even think about what else she might have to say. But then I realize that it is just payback for all the years my parents (and now my husband) have listened to my never ending chatter. My conversations with Zeke also tend to be remarkably one sided:
"Zeke, that's a bad idea, buddy. No Zeke, don't jump off of that. Zeke, NO!!" Sigh. "Zeke, don't do that again, buddy." Usually followed by something along the lines of "Jew, Momma" or "Bi-bi, Momma". Meaning of course, now that he has managed to conquer jumping off the table, or his sister's bed, or whatever else without any broken bones, he is now ready for his juice or his binky.
Now, I realize that part of this difference is because of their ages. Cooper has a much more sophisticated vocabulary, if you can call a three year old sophisticated. But seriously, there are some major inherent differences between the two.
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