
Out numbered

We have two beautiful, glamorous, extravagant princesses that live in our house, and they both definitely love to dress the part.

How could anyone resist jumping into this wonderful world of royalty? Especially when you are the only boy in the kingdom, all day, every day??

At least there are those who have gone before who can show him the way.

I think he's pretty pleased with the end result, too :)

But simply because one joins the ranks of princesses does not mean that one might not still try to poke his little sister in the eye.



I have been meaning to write this post for several weeks, now, and it hasn't happened. I have lots of excuses about the internet not working, etc, but mostly it comes down to the fact that I started reading the Twilight books, and that is where any extra time went. It is pathetic, I know. I am appropriately ashamed of my enjoyment of these adolescent girl novels. However, I finished the fourth and final book last night, and am slightly relieved as I feel like I can finally return to reality and life can go on :).

So about soccer. I know I have said that a class full of 3 and 4 year old ballerinas is the cutest thing there is on this earth. However, watching a class of 3 and 4 year olds attempt a soccer game, I am now unsure about the exclusivity of my statement. Here is a typical week of Parent/Preschooler soccer.

We start with warm ups, of course. Wouldn't want any strained muscles in the strenuous exercise to come. Seriously, preschoolers doing jumping jacks is better than stand up comedy.

The kids' favorite drill (and therefore the one that we did every week) was red light green light with ball dribbling thrown in.

(This is what Zeke and Payton and I are doing on the sidelines. It occasionally involves Zeke streaking across the "playing field", followed closely by Mommy)

The final week (that we went, at least) was an actual "game". You know what I mean by that if you've ever seen the littlest soccer players go at it. To make it easiest on the munchkins as far identifying their own teammates to pass to, the game was adults against kids. I am not sure the adults really even moved, except when they were shaking from laughing so hard. Watching the kids steal the ball from each other, dribble right on by the goal, and miss wide open shots from directly in front of the goal was hilarious. Not to mention the amount of time they spent just running around in confusing chaos. But somehow, they came out victorious! Cooper was thrilled to death to inform me that she had scored 5 (I think) whole goals all by herself, and the dads hadn't scored ANY! She pretty much was the star player, although I think her strongest asset was how darn cute she looked in her soccer getup :)

Please get here quickly, January, so that Zeke can participate in his first sport, and no longer has to be on the sidelines!!!



For my birthday this year, I got two new bikes, one with a child seat attached. I was really excited, as we already had several bikes and a trailer, but we had yet to figure out a good set up for all going on family rides. For one thing, both of Jesse's bikes were very expensive racing bikes, not the kind you would risk bending the frame on with a trailer. For another thing, my bike was an older model road bike, and I do not have the coordination for skinny tires and breaks out of easy reach. And finally, we only had two seats for kids, so Cooper always had to ride her own bike, which meant that I could have walked faster than we ever rode. Seriously.

So anyway, my husband, with our family in mind, got us all set up to cruise around Italy in comfort and style. And I totally bought, hook line and sinker, when he was hyping up how much fun this would be, going for family bike rides, and seeing more of our town and country side.

In the last several weeks, we have gone for several afternoon rides with our friends the Browns, and I finally figured out the flaw in Jesse's plan. I hate exercise. HATE it. I was picturing these slow, meandering rides with the wind flowing in my hair, huge smiles on all our faces as we glide through the fields on smooth, flat roads. In reality, biking in Italy means lots of hills, somehow almost all going up, and while the rides are slow (thank you me) and definitely meandering, I am panting and sweating too much to smile while I glide. It finally clicked in my head this last Sunday, riding up yet another hill, legs so achy I was seriously doubting my ability to make it, with my husband calling, "Last one this time, really!" Somehow I have been tricked into eagerly jumping on my bike to go work out. I have been bamboozled.

And the worst part is, it's so gorgeous, all I want to do the whole time we're riding is take pictures, but getting anywhere and stopping for pictures don't really go together. Plus, I'm always way too far behind to be able to get my camera from the trailer attached to Jesse's bike.

Luckily, I think to keep me suckered in, the rest of the crew always takes pity on me (it's okay, we all say it's for the kids) and we always stop for ice cream. And then I get to take my pictures :).

Sidenote to all current or future parents of young children who like chocolate ice cream: buy only dark brown or black clothing for your children. Or maybe white (God bless bleach). Zeke's winter wardrobe is dwindling quickly as our stops at the gelateria are becoming routine (ie, stained shirts are becoming routine).


Princess Cooper Paige

Cooper: Why are there holes in your jeans, Mommy?

Mommy: I suppose somebody thought that they looked really cool like that.

C: Well, I don't like them.

M: Don't you want your Mommy to be cool? I'm like, you know, the hip Mom.

C: No, I don't want you to be cool. I want you to be bootiful.

M: Hmmmm. Well, you don't think I'm beautiful?

C: Skirts and dresses are bootiful. I guess your shirt is pretty though...
(thank goodness I had at least worn a purple shirt!!)

And this is exactly the mindset of my little girl. She is definitely a "bootiful" princess, and lives the part perfectly. Mommy sometimes is a little disappointing, both when I wear pants, and when I insist that she does as well. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept of not wanting everyone at the playground to see one's underwear when sprinting across the lawn as a friends' little boy pushes little Payton off a picnic table onto her head (yes, this happened yesterday, and yes, I was glad that I was wearing pants).

So, I suppose for now I will just have to be the unfancy one in this house of royalty. I didn't think I was suppose to be embarrassing to my kids until they were teenagers...

Practicing her ballroom moves.

Oh how she loves to drag Zeke into her fantasy world.

She IS a priness, always.