Mommy: I suppose somebody thought that they looked really cool like that.
C: Well, I don't like them.
M: Don't you want your Mommy to be cool? I'm like, you know, the hip Mom.
C: No, I don't want you to be cool. I want you to be bootiful.
M: Hmmmm. Well, you don't think I'm beautiful?
C: Skirts and dresses are bootiful. I guess your shirt is pretty though...
(thank goodness I had at least worn a purple shirt!!)
And this is exactly the mindset of my little girl. She is definitely a "bootiful" princess, and lives the part perfectly. Mommy sometimes is a little disappointing, both when I wear pants, and when I insist that she does as well. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept of not wanting everyone at the playground to see one's underwear when sprinting across the lawn as a friends' little boy pushes little Payton off a picnic table onto her head (yes, this happened yesterday, and yes, I was glad that I was wearing pants).
So, I suppose for now I will just have to be the unfancy one in this house of royalty. I didn't think I was suppose to be embarrassing to my kids until they were teenagers...
Practicing her ballroom moves.

1 comment:
It amazes me how this "girlishness" comes form the deepest part of them! I don't understand when people think there is no difference between boys and girls.....I also thought "Oh she reminds me of Emmie". Although Emmie now will wear pants sometimes, usually when I want her to wear a skirt. It just shows how deep disobedience runs....but that is another blog post about how we are definitely not born innocent!
Love you and miss you!
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