
Reality check

I just got my girls up from their naps.

I opened their door to Payton beaming at me with those warm, chubby, red cheeks that are exclusive to a toddler waking up from a good snooze. I picked her up and she wrapped her scrawny little arms and legs around me and squeezed. Man I love that girl.

Then we got Cooper out of my bed and all came trailing down to the couch, where sweet Cooper said, "I would like to snuggle with you, Mommy." So I hunkered in with a little monkey snuggled up on each side. And I was feeling pretty warm and fuzzy, and thinking that being a mom is pretty much the greatest thing that could ever happen.

And then Cooper said, "Eeewwww, what's that smell?" And I said, "I don't know. What does it smell like?" "Poop," she said, and paused, and then answered her own question: "Oh, I think it's just your breathing."

Hey, we all need people that love us enough to tell us the hard truths. And now I must go brush my teeth.

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