The constant monitoring that a mobile munchkin that doesn't understand the word "no" needs, that is. So our little crazy bug is starting to get the urge to move, she is starting to get frustrated about not being able to get to things she wants to explore (ie, the neighbors dog, other little kids, whatever Mom has taken away and set out of reach). So Jesse has been demonstrating for her how it will feel to crawl, and I keep telling her that if she would roll from back to tummy, which she should have been able to do several months ago, she could probably propell herself around. However, she is too impatient to try any of those, she wants to move now, and when she can't she gets mad and melts down. All that to say, little miss immobile was sitting in her usual play spot in the living room and she full out face dove and rolled to get to the entertainment center. Like literally lunged belly first and then rolled onto her back (the way that she does already roll). And of course, I had my camera handy. Now lets just hope she doesn't figure out she can actually move around the house that way!

She started out sitting in her boppy, that pillow thing on the floor on the blanket, and the next thing I know she was over there.

And "over there" has lots of good things to play with! I'm just glad she can't pull up yet!
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