Well it is officially Christmastime, and we got into the spirit this weekend and decked our halls (mostly just our mantel and rooftop, actually ;) ). Jesse crawled around on the roof both Saturday and Sunday (we decided after it got dark Saturday night that we didn't have enough lights...I said we got into the spirit!) and made our house all pretty. Really all I did was hang the stockings, and Cooper slept, ate, and played with her toys. She is really enjoying her first Christmas! Seriously though, we have walked her down the street to look at the lights, and she is loving them, and fires in the fireplace. And she likes to dance around to Christmas music, but she likes to dance around to any music. Or I guess be danced around is more like it. Anyway, we are excited about making it feel more like Christmas, since it still feels like early fall here, with chilly nights, but daytime highs into the 60s and 70s. I cannot believe Christmas is so close (and I haven't started shopping yet!) but I can't wait to head home where I hear it definitely feels like winter, and we can spend this special time of year with people that we love. Oh, and the weather was just on tv, and our high for today is 52! Yeeks! Maybe we won't have to go home for cold weather!
I bet you aren't used to seeing people hang Christmas lights in t-shirts!
We had a beautiful sunset Saturday night, which was the perfect start to going inside and lighting a fire and drinking cocoa
Our little polar bear, with her favorite new toy, her sippy cup. She actually has drunk out of it, but only on accident.
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